What services do I offer?

Personal training is probably the most individualized service of all.

Below, I’ll briefly describe the fundamental services so you can get a better understanding of my work.


Personal Training


Personal training encompasses services that go beyond mere supervision during workouts. It begins with a comprehensive assessment where I gather information about the client’s condition, desires, and issues. Based on this, I create an individualized training plan as well as provide guidance on nutrition and supplementation. To track and measure the success of personal training, I utilize skinfold measurements. As our collaboration continues, I employ an increasing array of tools and techniques to achieve the best possible results for my clients.

Here are the details for two different options:

1:1 In-Person Training with Christof:
Includes a towel, Amino Electrolyte Drink during the workout, and a post-workout shake.
Price: €94.25 (including 19% VAT).

Training at the Client’s Location:
Includes Amino Electrolyte Drink during the workout and a post-workout shake.
Price: Available upon request.

Feel free to ask if you need further information!

Before and After  


The Before and After concept aims at physical transformation. In this approach, I use the same tools as in personal training. The training can take place either in your own gym or at my personal training facility. Regular check-up appointments help me monitor and guide the progress and development of my clients.

Individual consultation
Skinfold measurements
Program design
Nutritional and supplement protocols

Pricing: €890 for 6 months / Follow-up sessions: €590 for 6 sessions

BnA Personal Training:
2 sessions per week: €75.40
3 sessions per week: €69.45
4 sessions per week: €63.50

All prices include 19% VAT.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!


Coaching online 


My coaching concept, whether online or in-person at the PT Gym, aims to guide the training and development of my clients. In contrast to the Before and After concept, this support can also be purely online. Through regular video calls, I observe and guide my clients’ progress. If desired, an appointment for skinfold measurements can also be arranged.
Communication via email
Focus on program design and exercise execution
Nutritional and supplement guidelines
€2999 for 20 weeks
€5999 for 52 weeks
All prices include 19% VAT.
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!


Skinfold measurement


Hautfaltenmessung (skinfold measurement) is an essential tool for assessing a client’s hormonal status. The distribution of body fat is significantly influenced by hormones within the body. Through this measurement, I can document the current situation and provide recommendations to enhance hormonal balance, thereby influencing body fat loss.


Measurement every 4 weeks at the PT Gym
Supplement plan
Price: €180 for 3 measurements (including 19% VAT).
If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!




I work with the high-quality supplements from Your Personal Strength Institute (YPSI) by Wolfgang Unsöld, and I also have them available for purchase.

Nutritional counseling


Together, we will review your dietary situation, and I will create a customized nutrition protocol tailored to your personal circumstances and goals.

Price: €89.25 (including 19% VAT)